CCWP invites teachers to explore their own pedagogical challenges and questions through ongoing inquiry- into- practice in our invitational leadership institutes. Below are some examples of projects offered to teachers, students and the community.

Re-Imagining Civics Education
The UCSC Education Department, the Central California Writing Project, and the History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz are excited to invite you to this in-person event on May 7th for K-16 teachers of all disciplines and school administrators.
Together, we will reimagine civics in education with a focus on freedom dreaming and building a more just future. We will apply what we learn to our teaching contexts, and collaborate with others to launch literacy rich curriculum and instruction for informed civic action and youth engagement.

Virtual Young Writers’ Workshops

Young Writers’ Workshop: Creative Writing: Exploring Three Genres: Fantasy, Magical Realism and Realistic Fiction
In this creative writing workshop we will begin by exploring three fiction genres: fantasy, magical realism and realistic fiction. We will learn from the work of master writers (Madeline L’Engle, J.K. Rowling, Isabel Allende and Jandy Nelson). We will choose a genre, develop characters, and work with the support of other writers to create a world and challenges our character(s) will face. We will build a supportive writing community, take part in friendly competitions (daily word wars, synonym sprints and plot roller coaster challenges), hone our skills, and have ample time to plan and write our own creative stories.
En ese taller de escritura creativa comenzaremos explorando tres géneros de ficción, fantasía, realismo mágico y ficción realista. Aprenderemos de las obras de maestros escritores creativos (Madeline L’Engle, J.K. Rowling, Isabel Allende y Jandy Nelson). Durante el curso, escogeremos un género, desarrollaremos personajes y trabajaremos con apoyo de otros escritores para crear un mundo nuevo con desafíos que afectarán a los personajes. Durante este taller de dos semanas también construiremos una comunidad solidaria, participaremos en competencias amigables, mejoraremos nuestras destrezas y también tendremos suficiente tiempo para planificar y escribir nuestros propios cuentos.

Young Writers Workshop: World-Building and Character Creation
Do you love to draw and invent characters? Do you imagine strange and wonderful worlds? We will share our characters, their worlds, their allies and their foes. We’ll help one another consider what our characters want and need, what their secrets are, their flaws, and what gets in the way of what they want or need. We’ll write scenes focusing on in-the-moment action, sensory detail, and dialogue, and we’ll play with the elements of plot. We’ll use some of the resources from the NaNoWriMo Young Writer’s Program so that if you get inspired, you might join the Summer Writing Program in July or the National Novel Writing Month in November.
¿Le encanta dibujar e inventar personajes? ¿Imagina mundos extraños y maravillosos? Compartiremos nuestros personajes, sus mundos, sus amigos y enemigos. Nos ayudaremos a considerar lo que nuestros caracteres desean y necesitan, cuáles son sus secretos, sus defectos y que les dificulta alcanzar sus deseos y necesidades. Escribiremos escenas que se enfocan en acción en el momento, detalles usando los sentidos, diálogo y consideraremos los elementos de temas para novelas completas con muchos “que sucedería si…”. Usaremos recursos del programa NaNoWriMo Young Writer’s Program. Quizás esto le inspirará a participar en el Programa de Escribir en el Verano Summer Writing Program en julio o de participar en el Mes Nacional de Escritura de Novelas (National Novel Writing Month) en noviembre.

Annual Spring Mini-Conference

National Writing Project