Registration Is Open for 2025 CCWP Invitational Summer Hybrid Institute

Central California Writing Project Hybrid Invitational Summer Institute: Relevant, Engaging, Meaningful Writing and Reading Experiences   Institute Dates: June 16 – June 26 Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Format: Hybrid (6 Virtual Days and 3 In-Person Days)   Registration is now open for the 2025 Central California Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute. During this…Continue Reading Registration Is Open for 2025 CCWP Invitational Summer Hybrid Institute

CATE PreConvention is February 27

The California Associate of Teachers of English (CATE) holds an annual convention for all pre-K through college teachers of English Language Arts. The CATE 2025 Pre-Convention with the California Writing Project will take place on February 27, in San Francisco at the Hyatt Regency from 9:00-4:00. The Theme for this year’s convention is “Deep Roots,…Continue Reading CATE PreConvention is February 27

Today is UC Santa Cruz Giving Day

The Central California Writing Project needs your help to provide professional learning for pre-K-University educators and to support youth in our writing workshops in Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties.  Your donation will go a long way toward supporting our Writing Project’s work with teachers and students.  You can click here to donate.  Thank…Continue Reading Today is UC Santa Cruz Giving Day

Happy Birthday to the National Writing Project!

NWP 50th The National Writing Project is celebrating 50 years of revolutionizing the teaching of writing. “In 1974 a revolutionary form of professional development for teachers was born.  At its core were the knowledge, leadership, and best practices of effective teachers, and fundamental to its design was the sharing of that knowledge with other teachers.” …Continue Reading Happy Birthday to the National Writing Project!

CCWP’s Advisory Board Member, Nancy Harray Has a New Book

Central California Writing Project Advisory Board Member, Nancy Harray, has written a book, Jack the Cannery Row Cat, a reimagining of John Steinbeck novel, Cannery Row through the eyes of a cat.  Nancy will present an author talk and sign copies of her book, this Sunday, July 21, 2024, at River House Books in The…Continue Reading CCWP’s Advisory Board Member, Nancy Harray Has a New Book

Reflections from CCWP 2024 Summer Open Institute

The Central California Writing Project hosted a 4 day hybrid institute from June 24th to June 27th where 12 teachers in grades 3-university engaged in reading, writing, and conversations about Identities, Environmental Literacy and Justice, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, and Social Justice. Workshops focused on how these topics and mentor texts can inform teaching of analytical…Continue Reading Reflections from CCWP 2024 Summer Open Institute

Celebrating Pride with the National Writing Project

This is the National Writing Project's logo.

Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s one achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. The National Writing Project is celebrating all kinds of pride in June. LGBTQIA+ Bibliography for High School Teachers June is…Continue Reading Celebrating Pride with the National Writing Project

The National Writing Project Appreciates You!

This is the National Writing Project's logo.

May is here which means the school year is coming to a close and summer is almost here.  May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Month.  The National Writing Project is, “…providing gifts of gratitude for teachers who have supported student writers in finding their voice, as well as invitations to materials and resources that can support…Continue Reading The National Writing Project Appreciates You!

Registration Is Open for 2024 Summer Institute

This flyer contains information about the Central California Writing Project 4-day Hybrid Institute. The 2024 Summer Open Institute takes place in June 2024 and invites teachers of grades 3-12 to register. The institute is from 9:30AM to 2:30 PM on Monday the 24th, Tuesday the 25th, Wednesday the 26th, and Thursday the 27th. The Institute title is Writing for Today and Tomorrow: Social Justice and Identities. This open institute offers teachers opportunities to participate in workshops that engage us in reading, writing, and having conversations about identities, culturally sustaining pedagogy, social justice issues, and environmental literacy and justice. It also offers the opportunity for teachers to begin to develop and share a teaching sequence or unit by collaborating with a grade-level group and using current curriculum and/or other resources we provide. Participants will be able to explore using mentor texts to teach analytical reading, argument writing, and narrative writing across grade levels. CEUs will be available, and a $200 stipend will be available to participating teachers. For questions, contact CCWP Director Louann Baker. In the bottom left of the flyer there is a circle with a QR code in the center that leads to the registration form: The UC Santa Cruz logo is in the bottom right corner of the page and the CCWP logo is in the top left corner of the page.

Writing for Today and Tomorrow: Social Justice Issues and Identities June 24th – June 27th 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Registration is open for the Central California Writing Project 2024 Summer Open Institute, Writing for Today and Tomorrow: Social Justice and Identities. During this hybrid open institute, from June 24th to June 27th, teachers will…Continue Reading Registration Is Open for 2024 Summer Institute

Celebrating Reimaginings of Historical, Literary, & Artistic Representations

This image describes the event Celebrating Reimaginings of Historical, Literary, & Artistic Representations. In front of an image of a person standing one a beach durin sunset and wearing flowing clothes and a headband, there is text that says "Join s in celebrating projects that engage students and educators in reimagining stories of pasts, presents, and futures." There is a QR code in the bottom right and a link to register. On the left there is a circler witht he date of the event, April 27th, the time of the event, 9:30am to 1:30 pm, and the location of the event, Museum of Art & History in Santa Cruz. There is text on the bottom left "$100 stipend for Teacher attendees Lunch will be provided" At the bottom of the image are the logos of the events sponsors, Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, Central California Writing Project, London Nelson Legacy Initiative, and Santa Cruz County Office of Education. In the top right there is the logo of the history and civics project at UC Santa Cruz.

Saturday, April 27th, 2024 9:30am – 1:30pm Join us this Saturday, April 27th from 9:30am to 1:30pm in Celebrating Reimagining of Historical, Literary, & Artistic Representations at the Museum of Art & History in Santa Cruz. Alongside the London Nelson Legacy Initiative and Santa Cruz County Office of Education, the Central California Writing Project will…Continue Reading Celebrating Reimaginings of Historical, Literary, & Artistic Representations